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Map filters

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Filters can come in handy when looking for something specific...especially if its a toilet stop!

Using Filters

- On the website using a mobile.

By clicking this button you open up your filters! So if you have specific kind of stop in mind then just click where circled above. You can then select or de-select accordingly. To close the filters just click the same button again.

- On the website using a desktop.

By clicking this button you open up your filters! So if you have specific kind of stop in mind then just click where circled above. You can then select or de-select accordingly. To close the filters just click the same button again.

- Using our map overlaid on to Google using a desktop

When using our map overlaid to google the filter bar will appear at the side of your screen, just tick and un-tick desired filters

- Using our map overlaid on to Google using a mobile

Firstly you will need to click on the map, any stop will do!

Then click the more info button at the bottom of your screen

Then click the 'view map legend' button

Then select and deselect the categories to suit your needs

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