What is a Tick?
Ticks are small, spider-like creatures. They feed on the blood of birds and mammals, including humans.
Ticks vary in size and are usually between 1mm to 1cm long. They have either 6 or 8 legs.
Where are ticks found?
Ticks feed from a variety of mammals and birds, including squirrels, deer, sheep and garden birds. This means they’re usually found in areas with these animals, like:
grassy areas
Ticks don’t fly or jump but climb on to animals or humans as they brush past.
When is tick season?
Tick season is usually between March and October but it may last longer. This is because wet weather and warmer temperatures make ticks active for longer in the year.
You should be aware of ticks all year round. This is because some symptoms of a tick bite, including inflammation, can take 2 to 3 months to develop.
What shall I do if I am bitten?
If you spot a tick bite, don't worry, the majority of tick bites cause no issues, however, if you do get bitten, you should:
✅ Remove the tick ASAP (info below)
✅ Wash your skin with soap afterwards
✅ Apply an antiseptic cream around the bite
✅ Take pictures of the bite and any rash
To force the tick out, you should not:
❌ Use a cigarette, match or lighter
❌ Squeeze the tick
❌ Use any alcohol or petroleum jelly
The safest way to remove a tick is to use a tick removal tool, such as a tick twister or tick card.
There is no need to consult your GP if you have been bitten and have no symptoms. However, do keep an eye on the bite area, and if you develop ANY rash (not just one resembling a bullseye) or develop any flu-like symptoms in the weeks following a bite, make an appointment with your GP right away. Make sure to tell your GP that you've been bitten, or if you've been in an area where ticks are present - wooded, grassy areas with dense overgrowth. This is where taking pictures can help, they can be assessed if any rash disappears or spreads.

Remember, not everyone who contracts Lyme Disease develops a rash, or notices a bite, so it's very important to be aware of, and seek advice for any flu-like symptoms quickly:
Muscle aches
Joint pain
Stiff neck
Useful links
🔗 Self-help guide for tick bites - this can help asses any symptoms and direct you to the right care in the right place.
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